Kenan Travel

13 Days 12 Nights Tanzania Safari

13 Days 12 Nights Tazania Safari

13 Days 12 Nights Tanzania Safari


Day 1: Arrival Arusha

On arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport, you will be welcomed by a member of Kenan Travel team, who will transfer you to the Arusha Hotel for the night

Day 2
& 3: Arusha-Tarangire National Park

Morning tour of Arusha National Park visiting Ngurudoto Crater and the Momella lakes, a group of shallow alkaline lakes that are home to many water birds including flamingos, Egyptian geese and fowls. Enjoy Lunch before departing for Tarangire by road. Game drive en route to the Tarangire Sopa Lodge for two nights stay. Morning and afternoon game drives in beautiful Tarangire National Park, a highly dense bush land dominated by the incredible valley of the Tarangire River and attracting a good concentration of wildlife. Herds of elephant are likely to be encountered as are vividly coloured birds who love the dry savannah.


Day 4 & 5: Tarangire-Ngorongoro Conservation

En route to Ngorongoro Crater enjoy a visit to Gibbs Farm a historic, organic coffee growing plantation, and a hike to local waterfalls. Continue to the Ngorongoro Rhino Lodge, perched on the northern crater rim with spectacular vistas and sunsets. You will spend the next two nights here. Enjoy a day in and around the Crater, the largest intact crater in the world with forest areas inhabited by monkeys and elephants and open savannah where lions roam.


Day 6 & 7: Ngorongoro-Serengeti NP

Descend to the Serengeti plains and enter the National Park viewing game en route. Lunch at the Serengeti Serena Lodge and an afternoon game drive and two nights at the Serengeti Serena Lodge.
Enjoy morning and afternoon game drives viewing an amazing amount of wildlife from this central location.


Day  8 & 9: Serengeti-Lake Victoria

Drive through the Western Corridor of the Serengeti to Speke Bay Lodge. After lunch enjoy a guided walk and bird watch.
Take a traditional canoe ride this morning along the shore bank to a nearby village. Enjoy an afternoon at leisure or bird watch along the lake shore.


Day 10: Serengeti Np

Drive back into the Serengeti, viewing wildlife with picnic lunch en route to Kirawira Camp, your base for one night to explore the western corridor of the Serengeti National Park where you will enjoy morning and afternoon game drives


Day 11 & 12: Serengeti-Lake Manyara Np

Drive to the famous archaeological site of Olduvai Gorge and the Cradle of Mankind before continuing to Lake Manyara and the Lake Manyara Serena Lodge for two nights. Picnic lunch en route. Morning game drive in the beautiful Lake Manyara National Park around the lakeshore and your afternoon will be spent visiting a local village.

Day 13:

Return to Arusha for lunch then to Kilimanjaro International Airport for your onward journey.

  • Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch.

Safari Booking

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