Kenan Travel

kenan tours & Travels

Birdwatching Tours

5 Day birdwatching Expedition

Set out on a delightful 5-day birding safari, exploring diverse habitats and observing a myriad of avian species in their natural surroundings.

8 Nights Magical Birdwatching Safari

Magical 9-day birdwatching safari, where enchanting landscapes and majestic avian wonders create an unforgettable exploration of nature's beauty.

9 Days A Birdwatcher's Paradise

A captivating 9-day birdwatching exploration, immersing yourself in the diverse habitats and discovering the fascinating world of winged wonders.

15 Days Birding Exploration

Explore Kenya's diverse ecosystems over 15 days, from Nairobi to Lake Magadi, Lake Naivasha, Lake Nakuru, Lake Baringo, Samburu National Park, and Mount Kenya.

7 Days 6 Nights Kenya Bird Watching Safari

Embark on a captivating 7-day Kenyan safari, exploring Nairobi's urban vibrancy and the tranquil lakeshores of Naivasha, Nakuru, and Baringo. Each day promises unforgettable encounters

19 Days Epic Birding Adventure

Embark on a 19-day epic birding adventure, traversing diverse landscapes and habitats across Kenya, capturing the essence of the country's rich avian biodiversity.

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