Kenan Travel

3 Days 2 Nights Mount Kenya Footsafari

3 Days 2 Nights Mount Kenya Footsafari

3 Days Mount Kenya Footsafari

Itinerary at a Glance

This expedition is tailor-made for individuals with limited time who aim to conquer the third highest peak, Pt. Lenana. This challenging yet non-technical ascent is accessible to anyone in good health.

Day 1: Naromoru / Met Station

Morning spent sorting and organizing personal equipment for the trek. Lunch at the Lodge. (this is an extra charge.) In the afternoon, drive to the road head of the Naro Moru track, to the Met station where we spend the night in the mountain log cabins, a good day for acclimatization for we will be sleeping at an altitude of 3,050m. A short hike is taken in the afternoon to gain and lose altitude.

Day 2: MaCkinders Camp

We begin our hike, ascending into the picturesque Teleki Valley, where a breathtaking view of the main peaks awaits us. The trek will take roughly 4-6 hours. We will spend the night at Mackinder’s Camp, situated at an altitude of 4,100 meters.

Day 3: Ascend to Point Lenana

We commence our journey with a pre-dawn start, ensuring that we have the best opportunity for a successful summit. This timing also allows us to revel in the awe-inspiring scenery of the majestic summit. Following our ascent of Pt. Lenana, we retrace our steps to the base camp and then begin our descent down the mountain, ultimately returning to the lodge.

Safari Booking

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