Kenan Travel

7 Days 6 Nights Mount Kilimanjaro – Lemosho Route

7 Days 6 Nights Mount Kilimanjaro - Lemosho Route

7 Days Mount Kilimanjaro – Lemosho Route

The Lemosho route is an unspoiled, remote, little-used, and beautiful way up to the Shira Plateau.


Itinerary at a Glance

The Lemosho route is an unspoiled, remote, little, and beautiful way up to the Shira Plateau. This route is one of the exceptions where groups may have the company of an armed ranger on the first day of the trek. The reason for this precaution is the presence of buffalo, elephants, and a diverse range of wildlife in the forests around the Lemosho Glades.

Day 1: Arusha (1400m) – Londorossi Gate (2100m) – Mti Mkubwa camp (2750m)

Hiking time: 3 hours, Habitat: Montane forest.

After having breakfast at your hotel, your guide will brief you on the day. You will drive two hours from Arusha (1400m) to Londorossi Park Gate (2100m). In the village near Londorossi Gate, you will receive a packed lunch and can buy mineral water for the hike. Then the final 45 minutes of the drive leading up to the gate will be on a bumpy forest track requiring 4WD vehicles. Upon reaching the entrance, the guides and porters distribute the supplies and complete the registration process with the Tanzania National Parks Authority (TANAPA). You are now ready to begin your 3-hour hike into the rainforest. Be on the lookout for Colobus monkeys! Along the way, you will stop for an afternoon lunch break and arrive at Mti Mkubwa (“Big Tree”) Campsite (2750m) in the early evening. The porters, who arrive at the campsite before the clients, will set up your tent and boil water for drinking and washing. The chef will prepare a snack and then dinner for the clients. During the nighttime, temperatures on the mountain can drop to freezing levels, so it’s essential to be well-prepared for the cold.

Day 2: Mti Mkubwa Camp (2750m) – Shira 2 Camp (3840m)

Hiking time: 6.5 hours, Habitat: Moorland.

After an early morning breakfast, you will begin your ascent out of the rainforest and into the heather moorland zone. You will cross many streams and walk over a plateau that leads to Shira 2 Camp (3840m). At this campsite, you will be next to a stream and have a spectacular view of the Western Breach and its glaciers in the East. Much like the first night, your tents will be arranged and ready for you upon arrival at the campsite. Additionally, the porters will ensure that drinking and washing water is prepared for your use.

In the evening, you can look forward to enjoying some snacks, followed by a dinner prepared by our skilled chef. However, be ready for a chilly night, as temperatures often drop below freezing at this exposed camp.


Day 3: Shira (3840m) – Lava Tower (4630m) – Barranco Camp (3950m)

Hiking time: 7 hours, Distance: Approximately 15 kilometers, Habitat: Semi desert.

Following an early morning breakfast, you will leave the moorland environment and enter the semi-desert and rocky landscape. After approximately 5 hours of walking towards the east, you will come across the imposing Lava Tower, Lava Tower, which stands at an elevation of 4630 meters, provides a unique opportunity for hikers to explore its surroundings, weather permitting. At the Lava Tower, hikers will receive a packed lunch, providing a convenient place to rest and refuel before they continue their trek. Weather permitting, hikers also have the option to ascend the massive Lava Tower if they choose to do so.

During this phase of the hike, it’s common for hikers to begin experiencing the effects of higher altitude, which may include symptoms like headaches and shortness of breath. Hikers need to be aware of these potential effects and take necessary precautions to acclimatize safely. After lunch, you will descend from Lava Tower (4630m) to the Barranco Campsite (3950m). The 6800m descent offers hikers a substantial advantage by facilitating their body’s adjustment to high-altitude conditions. The descent to camp takes around 2 hours to reach. Situated in a valley beneath the Breach and Great Barranco Wall. (“Breakfast Wall”). Drinking and washing water and dinner will be served as hikers view the sun setting.

Day 4: Barranco Camp (3950m) – Karanga Camp (3950m)

Hiking time: 4-5 hours, Distance: Approximately 5 kilometers, Habitat: Alpine desert.

This is a relatively short hiking day designed for acclimatization purposes. Following an early morning breakfast, it’s time to tackle the formidable Great Barranco Wall! Despite its initial intimidation, hikers often realize that this Class 2 hike is more manageable than anticipated. When you reach the summit of the Wall, you’ll experience the sensation of being above the clouds. The trail then winds up and down in the Karanga Valley. You will spend the night at Karanga Camp (3950m) and enjoy dinner and washing at the site.

Day 5: Karanga Camp (3959m) – Barafu Hut (4600)

Hiking time: 2-3 hours, Distance: Approximately 4 kilometers, Habitat: Alpine desert. After breakfast, you will begin your ascent. The trail intersects with the Mweka Route and is used to descend on the final two days. As you continue hiking for an hour, you will reach Barafu Hut. The last water stop for the porters because there is no accessible water at Barafu Camp (4550m). The word “barafu” in Swahili means “ice”. This camp is set on a rugged and exposed ridge, which means that tents aere exposed to wind and rocks. Therefore, hikers are advised to acquaint themselves with the campsite layout before nightfall to ensure a safe and comfortable stay. An early dinner is served to allow hikers to rest and conserve energy before their summit attempt later that same night. Your guide will brief you in detail on how to prepare for summit night. Get to sleep by 19:00!

Day 6: Summit attempt Barafu Camp (4600m) – Uhuru Peak (5895m) – Mweka (3100m)

Hiking time: 8 hours to reach Uhuru Peak, 7-8 hours to descend to Mweka, Distance: Approximately 7 kilometers ascent and 23 kilometers descent, Habitat: Stone scree and ice-capped summit. Your guide will wake you around 23:30 for tea and biscuits. You will then begin your summit attempt. The route heads northwest and you will ascend over stone scree. During the ascent, numerous hikers often find this the most mentally and physically demanding segment of the climb. In about 6 hours, you will reach Stella Point (5685m), located on the crater rim. After enjoying the magnificent sunrise, you will continue ascending for about 2 hours on a snow-covered trail to Uhuru Peak (5895m). Reaching the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro is a lifetime accomplishment! You will spend a short time on the summit taking photographs and drinking tea before the descent to Barafu begins. The hike down to Barafu Camp takes about 3 hours. At camp, you will rest and enjoy a hot lunch in the sun. After eating, you will continue descending to Mweka Hut (3100m). The Mweka Trail will lead you through the scree and rocks to the moorland and eventually into the rainforest. Mweka Camp (3100m) is located in the upper rainforest, so fog and rain should be expected. You will have a dinner, wash, and rest soundly at camp.

Day 7: Mweka Camp (3100m) – Mweka Gate (1980m)

Hiking time: 3 hours, Distance: Approximately 15 kilometers, Habitat: Forest Following a well-deserved breakfast, your staff will have a big celebration full of dancing and singing. It is here on the mountain that you will present your tips to the guide, assistant guides, chef(s), and porters. After celebrating, you will descend for three hours back to Mweka Gate. The National Park requires all hikers to sign their names to receive certificates of completion. Hikers who reach Stella Point (5685m) are awarded a green certificate, while those who reach Uhuru Peak (5895m) receive a gold certificate. After receiving certificates, hikers will descend into the Mweka village for 1 hour (3 kilometers). You’ll enjoy a hot lunch, and then you’ll head back to Arusha for some well-deserved showers and additional celebratory moments.

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