Kenan Travel

8 Days 7 Nights Samburu, Aberdare, Nakuru, Naivasha, Masai Mara Safari

8 Days 7 Nights Samburu, Aberdare, Nakuru, Naivasha, Masai Mara Safari

8 Days 7 Nights Samburu, Aberdare, Nakuru, Naivasha, Masai Mara Safari

Full Itinerary

Day 1: Nairobi-Samburu

Depart Nairobi in the morning for Samburu National Reserve, crossing the Equator and driving through changing terrain to the rugged semi-desert region in northern Kenya. Though harsh, but is blessed with species rarely found elsewhere. Arrive in time for lunch at the lodge. Afternoon game drive to search for the stars of Samburu Dinner and overnight at a tent camp.

Day 2: Samburu

A full day in Samburu will be dedicated to exciting game drives, providing ample opportunities to witness the diverse wildlife in the region. Search for the rare liver red reticulated giraffe, Grevy’s Zebra, Beisa Oryx, blue-flanked Somali Ostrich, Vulturine Guinea Fowl, and Longneck Gerenuk. See braving lions on the grass, cheetahs, and leopards, among plenty of other plains game. (optional visits to Samburu villages) All meals and overnight at a tent camp


Day 3: Treetops

Breakfast at a lodge and drive to the shoulders of Mt. Kenya, arriving at the Outspan Golf & Country Club for lunch. After lunch, transfer by lodge vehicle to the Treetops Lodge, where from the lodge balcony you can view game that often visit the floodlit waterhole and saltlick, e.g., elephants, rhinos, buffalo, and giant forest hogs. Dinner and overnight at a tent camp


Day 4: Lake Nakuru National Park

Depart Treetops Lodge for breakfast at Outspan Golf & Country Club and depart for Lake Nakuru via Thompson Falls, arriving in time for lunch. The afternoon game drive at the Pink Lake is named as such because of the thousands of pink flamingos and other birdlife that inhabit the area, making it a paradise for bird watchers. It has a surprising number of animals; all the “big five” except the elephant can be seen here. Dinner and overnight at a tent camp


Day 5: Lake Naivasha

Breakfast and depart for Lake Naivasha in the Great Rift Valley. Lake Naivasha, one of the gems in a necklace of Rift Valley lakes, has a variety of bird life and hippo colonies. Lunch, dinner, and overnight at a tent camp


Day 6: Maasai Mara

In the morning, enjoy game viewing at the park, explore a rhino sanctuary, and immerse yourself in a bird watcher’s paradise. Keep an eye out for warthogs and waterbucks as you exit the park. Breakfast at the lodge and departure for Masai Mara is crossing the Loita plains to see red-clad Masai warriors tending their multi-colored herds amongst the plains. Arrive at Mara in time for lunch. Game viewing en route to Mara Sarova camp for lunch. Afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight at a tent camp.


Day 7: Masai Mara National Reserve

This is the day when your dreams about Maasai Mara come to life.Breakfast at the lodge, and leave with picnic lunches for a full-day game drive inside the park. Search for wild game black manned lions, for which Mara is famous; cheetah, buffalo, wildebeest, zebra, leopard; grants gazelles are common; even the rare rhino might come out of the thicket for you; hyenas are plentiful. Extend your drive to the hippo point, where schools of hippo submerge on the approach of vehicles only to surface seconds later to shoot and gamble their displeasure as the crocodiles sunbathe on the river banks with mouths open. Between meals, there is an optional visit to the maasai villages for an insight into their culture, if clients so wish. You will have your meals and spend the night at a tent camp.


Day 8: Nairobi

Embark on a morning game drive to savor the beauty of the park. Breakfast is provided at the lodge, and departure for Nairobi, arriving at around 1400 hours.

Along with 7 amazing nights in Samburu, we also have a wide range of safari tours in Kenya!

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