Kenan Travel

9 Days 8 Nights Best of Birdwatching Safari

9 Days 8 Nights Best of Birdwatching Safari

9 Days 8 Nights Best of Birdwatching Safari

8 Nights/ 9 Days birding safaris– Nairobi – Lake Elementaita – Lake Naivasha – Hell’s Gate National Park – Lake Nakuru National Park – Masai Mara


Day 1 Arrival

Upon arrival, travelers are welcomed at the airport by the company’s representative and then transferred to a Nairobi hotel for an overnight stay. Later in the day, an orientation tour of the town followed by a visit to the National Museum’s bird gallery for a bird lecture. .This unique park on the city’s outskirts offers a diverse range of bird species against the backdrop of Nairobi’s skyline. After the drive, relax at your accommodation and enjoy a local dinner, 

Day 2: Nairobi – Lake Elementaita


On the second day, an early morning departure is scheduled, with the journey leading to Lake Elementaita. Guests arrive in the mid-morning and embark on a bird walk to identify bird species such as the Feral Lovebird, Avocet, Klaas’ Cuckoo, Glossy Ibis, Black Heron, Red-Billed Teal, Black-Tailed Godwit, and more. Following the bird walk, lunch is provided at Lake Elementaita Lodge. The afternoon offers another bird walk in the lodge’s surroundings.


Dinner and overnight accommodation at Lake Elementaita Lodge (BLD).


Day 3: Lake Elementaita – Lake Naivasha


After breakfast, the journey continues from Elementaita, proceeding through the Great North Road to Lake Naivasha, where guests arrive by mid-morning. A bird walk is scheduled before lunch at Lake Naivasha Lodge. Lake Naivasha, situated in proximity to Lake Nakuru and just 65 miles from Nairobi, is a freshwater lake with rich birdlife. It was designated as a bird sanctuary in 1967 and supports pastoral industries related to wine and flowers. During a full-day field trip to Lake Naivasha, guests study the region’s bird population, including herons, fish eagles, ospreys, black crakes, and lily trotters. The breathtaking backdrop of Mt. Longonot and an excursion to the Elsa mere Center are included.


Meals and overnight accommodation at Lake Naivasha Lodge (BLD).


Day 4: Lake Naivasha – Hell’s Gate National Park


Following breakfast, a morning bird walk aims to observe birds along the lake shores. A few hours of relaxation precede lunch. In the afternoon, a visit to Hell’s Gate National Park is scheduled, known as a breeding ground for vultures, including Lammergeyer Vultures. Anticipated bird species include the Imperial Eagle, Schalow’s Wheatear, and Chin Spot Batis.


Dinner and overnight accommodation at Lake Naivasha Lodge. (BLD).


Day 5: Hell’s Gate National Park – Lake Nakuru National Park


After breakfast, travelers depart for Lake Nakuru National Park, renowned as “The Pink Heart of Kenya” due to the millions of flamingoes that grace the lake with their vibrant pink presence. The afternoon is reserved for game and bird viewing.


Dinner and overnight accommodations will be at Lake Nakuru Lodge.


Day 6: Lake Nakuru National Park


The day is dedicated to bird watching in Lake Nakuru National Park, with opportunities to observe the elusive leopard, a rare and shy cat often seen in this park. An afternoon game drive offers another chance to capture what may have been missed during the day.


Dinner and overnight accommodation at Lake Nakuru Lodge.


Day 7: Lake Nakuru National Park – Masai Mara


After breakfast, the journey continues with a drive across the Great Rift Valley, the longest rift in the Earth’s crust, leading to the Masai Mara Game Reserve, an unspoiled savannah teeming with wildlife. Masai Mara is an integral part of the Great Plains ecosystem, which extends into neighboring Tanzania as the Serengeti. The reserve is home to the “big five” – lion, buffalo, rhino, leopard, and elephant – as well as cheetah, zebra, giraffe, vast herds of plain antelope, and numerous other wildlife.


Accommodation for the next two nights at Mara Sopa Lodge. “Sopa” is a Masai word meaning “welcome,” a tradition embraced by the lodge. Set in the Oloolaimutia Valley, the lodge harmonizes with its hillside landscape. After lunch and some relaxation time, an afternoon game drive to seek out the “big five,” with a chance to spot the elusive leopard as the sunset.


Dinner and overnight accommodations are available at Mara Sopa Lodge (BLD).


Day 8: Masai Mara Game Reserve


An early morning birding and game drive commences after breakfast, promising another memorable day for birding enthusiasts. With a picnic lunch provided en route, the day is dedicated to bird watching in the Mara Plains to identify and record the over 450 bird species found in this reserve.


Dinner and overnight accommodations are available at Mara Sopa Lodge (BLD).


Day 9: Masai Mara – Nairobi


After breakfast, the journey leads back to Nairobi, with arrival in time for lunch. Guests can check into a day room at a Nairobi hotel. In the early evening, a farewell dinner hosted by our company at the renowned Carnivore Restaurant celebrated as “Africa’s greatest eating experience.” The restaurant is also home to the “Simba Saloon,” one of the city’s popular nightclubs. After dinner, the guests are transferred to the airport for their international departure flight.

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